Tag: Carbon

Copenhagen’s Carbon Neutral Greenwashing

It was back in 2012 that Copenhagen started its journey to becoming “the world’s first carbon neutral capital by 2025”. Right off the bat, I’d like you to notice my use of quotation marks. Shortly after it was announced, the hype about this municipal goal gained considerable ...

Where does the money for Carbon Offsets go?

With the successful launch of Carbon Shop, the question we’ve gotten the most is, “Where is the money that I’m paying actually going?” Today, I’m providing an answer to that question. Carbon Credits and Carbon Offsets are not a new idea. Governments and corporatio...

Elon Musk-Backed Carbon Capture Technology Really Could Save The World

Carbon capture is one of the most promising pieces of climate technology out there. If used correctly, it has the potential to not only halt climate change, but turn back time and repair the damage we have done. The only problem is most carbon capture systems are insanely expensive and practically i...

Carbon Neutral Cows With the Help of Red Seaweed

Nearly 1 billion cows roam fields around the globe, many of them living on factory farms. They are a key contributor to global warming and the problem is only getting worse. Specifically, it is a cow’s burp that drives their contribution. Each cow releases 220 pounds of methane pe...

Carbon Pricing Is A Big Broom That Sweeps Up A Lot Of Climate Problems

Pricing our global greenhouse gas emissions isn’t the only answer to addressing climate change, but it’s a requirement for any serious climate plan. And large parts of the world have stepped up, including most of Europe, big parts of North America and China. 39 countries and 33 sub-...

Grass and Fungi, Carbon Warriors

They’re gorgeous, right? Particularly the old ones. Towering majestically into the sky, encanopying our roads, each tree is a self-replicating fractal pattern — with each leaf a scale model of the branching structure of the tree itself. This is partly why, when he wrote his book Bio...

Carbon Offsets: The Route to Net Zero or Corporate Greenwashing?

Today, you don’t have to look far to find companies boasting about their plans to reach net zero or become carbon neutral. Amazon says it wants to reach net zero by 2040. Shell says they’ll do it by 2050, as does the airline industry. And if you listened to ...

How a houseplant startup plans to disrupt customer fulfillment, support local businesses, and reduce carbon emissions.

For most of 2020 and 2021 in New York City, there were lockdowns, quarantines, and a general propensity to stay at home. Like millions of others, I spent an inordinate amount of time online. And one evening, across my Instagram feed, came an ad for an online houseplant app. I was hooked. Over the...

A Christmas Tree Carbon Story

My partner LOVES Christmas time. The lights, the markets, finding the biggest tree (then carrying that son-of-a-gun home), the city, the jumpers, the mugs, the themed socks… Actually, to put it into perspective, when moving to the Netherlands, 2 of our 10 boxes were solely for Christmas decor...

Breaking Down Carbon Credits: Boon or Bane for the Environment?

In the swirling vortex of the climate crisis, carbon credits have emerged as a potential life raft, but are they robust enough to keep us afloat? Or are they merely a mirage, luring us into a false sense of progress while the environmental tide continues to rise? For businesses grappling with car...

Elon Musk-Backed Carbon Capture Technology Really Could Save The World

Carbon capture is one of the most promising pieces of climate technology out there. If used correctly, it has the potential to not only halt climate change, but turn back time and repair the damage we have done. The only problem is most carbon capture systems are insanely expensive and practically i...

Carbon Emissions of an ML Engineering Team

Everybody is aware of the climate crisis due to global warming as a result of human activities. To prevent its catastrophic consequences [1], the world needs to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions drastically, with many countries setting a target of net zero emissions by 2050. The technology boom...

The carbon footprint of GPT-4

Let’s first estimate GPT-4's energy consumption. According to unverified information leaks, GPT-4 was trained on about 25,000 Nvidia A100 GPUs for 90–100 days [2]. Let’s assume the GPUs were installed in Nvidia HGX servers which can host 8 GPUs each, meaning 25,000 / 8 = 3,1...

A Carbon-Neutral Plan to Air Condition the World

I live in a temperate climate and used my Air Conditioner only ten days in the past year. Five of those days were hot enough to kill. Even in down-right cold areas, Air Conditioners (ACs) still greatly improve quality of life. Over the past few years, there have been several p...

This is why COP28 & the UN are *almost* irrelevant to carbon neutral

COP28 bowed to pressure from OPEC who requested OPEC nations ‘proactively reject’ targeting fossil fuels. These OPEC nations are hugely rich and have plenty of time and resources to switch to solar-wind and make money from it too. If you want to see a prosperous, carbon neutral future...

Carbon dating is not an app for old people wanting to hook up

Back in the present day, Aboriginal artifacts have been found in archeological diggings at rock escarpment shelters, and river and coastal settlement sites which have long been repeatedly and often continuously inhabited. These artifacts range from large stone tools, to finely worked stone and bone ...

A Carbon-Lite Atmosphere

The search for extraterrestrial life has captivated the human imagination for centuries, driving scientists to explore distant planets in our quest to understand the universe. One intriguing avenue of investigation is the study of a planet’s atmosphere, as it can reveal crucial information abo...

Grass and Fungi, Carbon Warriors

The beauty of trees is partly why, whenever we talk about building carbon sinks, we focus on them. Trees are the forms of natural CO2-capture that we can see — that we admire. The idea of reforesting the planet makes immediate sense. As does fiercely protecting the old-growth we’ve go...

The creationist argument against radiocarbon dating: why do so many ancient fossils test young according to carbon dating?

It’s a common argument made by creationists refuting radioisotope dating. There are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of examples of fossils that are millions of years old, even a hundred million years old, that radiocarbon dating shows are only a few thousand years old? How does a geologist explain t...