Copenhagen’s Carbon Neutral Greenwashing

<p>It was back in 2012 that Copenhagen started its journey to becoming &ldquo;<em>the world&rsquo;s first carbon neutral capital by 2025</em>&rdquo;. Right off the bat, I&rsquo;d like you to notice my use of quotation marks. Shortly after it was announced, the hype about this municipal goal gained considerable media purchase. It swelled and swelled for years until it became a hype tsunami. It&rsquo;s been absolutely everywhere, in a veritable labyrinth of documents, websites, articles, news reports, you name it.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*xONPquguaxz3b3k6_N9teg.gif" style="height:379px; width:700px" /></p> <p>International media hype about Copenhagen Carbon Neutral by 2025</p> <p>I have previously done some reading up on the topic, and I knew from early on that there was a strong element of marketing involved. I just didn&rsquo;t know exactly how much.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Carbon Neutral