Tag: Budgets

Are Game Budgets Going Into the Right Place?

At one point in time, it was reasonably simple to develop a game for the NES. All you needed was a devoted team in certain departments, the right level of programming, a good marketing team, and that’s it. But that was then, and this is now. A new report coming out of the ongoing battle ...

Six Easy Steps to Normalize Toronto’s Operating Budgets

The widely and well understood (normalized) definition of an operating budget is: planned revenues, less planned expenses, leaving a planned operating surplus, which is distributed internally as needed (ie internal transfers). But the City of Toronto budget consists of only “revenues&r...

When budgets cut deeper

After 37 years at Bethel, Carlson-Lombardi is one of the 11 professors whose positions were terminated following Bethel’s most recent round of budget cuts. She was a transfer student who loved Bethel for its vibrant community and authentic faculty. Bethel was even responsible for the sponsorsh...