BRUTALLY Honest Review on Money Toaster Legit or Scam? Reviews and Recommendations.

Unleash Your Full Income Potential with the AI Money Toaster System! ##Money Toaster Program In today’s digital era, the concept of earning money online has garnered widespread attention. Individuals are constantly on the lookout for opportunities&...

Prioritize brutally, discretely but not strictly!

I am fond of meaningful contradictions, and I’ll use this one to kick off my second stream of blogs posts, this one about leadership and management (the other being sustainability). Prioritizing brutally is obvious but sometimes we confuse that with prioritizing strictly. When asked to prio...

Is Black History Month Really Just a Brutally Honest White History Month?

When you are a child, the world works very easily. You go to school, learn what’s given, and with no life experience, you’re going not to ask those piercing questions that need to be asked. This time period of human life is really great for social programming. In the be...