Is Black History Month Really Just a Brutally Honest White History Month?

<p>When you are a child, the world works very easily.&nbsp;You go to school, learn what&rsquo;s given, and with no life experience, you&rsquo;re going not to ask those piercing questions that need to be asked. This time period of human life is&nbsp;<em>really</em>&nbsp;great for social programming.</p> <p>In the beginning, you learn a very Eurocentric (read: white) view of pilgrims, the Colonies, the American Revolution, and beyond. The vast majority of these white historical domain figures are given some hero-status in history, regardless of flaw or fault. For example, Christopher Columbus was technically a paid pirate who murdered thousands; but because he did his deeds for the Spanish Crown, and Europe in general, he&rsquo;s a hero. Because he &ldquo;discovered&rdquo; America, he&rsquo;s a hero. The majority of Eurocentric history is given just like this.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>