Tag: Brighten

3 Enchanting Japanese Words That Will Brighten Your Day

As a native Japanese speaker, I get annoyed when I come across English articles that tout Japanese buzzwords like ikigai. They’re not commonly used in our day-to-day conversations. Ikigai is more like a stock word thrown in job interviews or autobiographies. Instead of those fancy word...

7 things you can do right now to feel great for the rest of your day

Ever feel like you’re getting in your own way? Perhaps a handful of ideas can help you shift out of this unhelpful mindset, so you get back on track quickly. Here are some: 1. Forgive your past self. There will always be a weight on our shoulders if we can’t let go of somethi...

Things are Not Right

by Mike Meyer ~ Honolulu ~ August 28, 2023 I'm amazed at the cognitive dissonance we live with daily. A certain level of that is typical for the modern world as contradictory information and world views have increased over the last couple of centuries, but not at these accelerating ...