Tag: Breed

How Stringent If-Then Statements Breed Intolerance

I have recently begun writing ideological pieces designed to convey social messages about which I feel passionate. These essays will likely not find a wide audience, they will definitely not become mainstream. But I feel it is important to be true to oneself and use one’s platform, no matter h...

Organ Donors Are a Dying Breed — We Can Do Better

In the U.S. alone, 17 people die every day waiting for an organ transplant. That’s more than double the amount of people who perished in the Twin Towers, but annually. My best friend could have been one of them. One of my best friends, Amy, is a NICU (neonatal intensi...

Klan Intimidation TaKtiKs Breed Respect

Many black Americans are now familiar with code-switching. But do they realize it applies to white media as well? Whites in the Gulf Coast states of the old South typically responded with “great gusto” and “zeal” towards foreigners and black Americans when they don’t ge...