Klan Intimidation TaKtiKs Breed Respect

<p>Many black Americans are now familiar with code-switching. But do they realize it applies to white media as well? Whites in the Gulf Coast states of the old South typically responded with &ldquo;great gusto&rdquo; and &ldquo;zeal&rdquo; towards foreigners and black Americans when they don&rsquo;t get their way. That is the type of euphemism &mdash; gusto and zeal &mdash; of code-switching from the confrontation of the brutal facts that American mainstream media uses, a tactic to describe bombing, burning, and murder, the marks of white organized terrorism against blacks and minorities.</p> <p>Other typical language ticks describing &ldquo;racial violence&rdquo; include phrases that reflected a bracketing of a period and are manifestations indicating that &ldquo;this&rdquo; was &ldquo;an isolated incidence,&rdquo; in a certain place, and that eventually &ldquo;things calmed down.&rdquo; Here&rsquo;s the example that popped up when I read a story of such an &ldquo;episode&rdquo;:</p> <p><a href="https://brenkelly1970.medium.com/klan-intimidation-taktiks-breed-respect-d03dff0614c8"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: TaKtiKs Breed