Tag: Breathwork

I Became a Breathwork Instructor to Help Other People. Strangely, Here’s How it Changed Me

When I was 20, my next-door neighbor coaxed me into joining a meditation & breathwork workshop. I was never the spiritual type. I told her, “Who meditates at 20? I have better things to do in life.” I was too cool for this spiritual jazz. But… Her conviction ove...

How to Handle Repetitive Tasks and Free Yourself for Creative Work

Ask anyone about their hobbies and 9 times out of 10, you’ll hear: “I love to travel.” Travel is a global pastime and in the past decade, the travel industry has undergone a radical transformation, as repetitive tasks previously performed by humans — like searching, bookin...

Altering Consciousness Without Drugs: My Experience With Psychedelic Breathwork

There are many reasons why someone may want to alter their consciousness without drugs: legality, safety, more controllability, and fewer side effects. Humans have also long engaged in non-drug methods for altering consciousness, including meditation, fasting, chanting, drumming, and dancing. The...