Tag: Breath

You Took My Breath Away, and Now I’m Dead

I made the mistake of looking up how many breaths a person takes in their lifetime. 605,491,200 if we live to be seventy-two. So Elon Musk has roughly 100 times more money than I’ll ever have gasps of air. Neat. Worse — because it’s not like I can invest in more air &md...

You Took My Breath Away, and Now I’m Dead

I made the mistake of looking up how many breaths a person takes in their lifetime. 605,491,200 if we live to be seventy-two. So Elon Musk has roughly 100 times more money than I’ll ever have gasps of air. Neat. Worse — because it’s not like I can invest in more air &md...

You Took My Breath Away, and Now I’m Dead

I made the mistake of looking up how many breaths a person takes in their lifetime. 605,491,200 if we live to be seventy-two. So Elon Musk has roughly 100 times more money than I’ll ever have gasps of air. Neat. Worse — because it’s not like I can invest in more air &md...

The Wind’s Breath

The cool, nighttime wind blew through my shaggy blonde hair. I stared out at the never-ending, dark sea from aboard Ruby’s huge pirate ship. It was no longer safe within the Great Sea and we were attempting to find an island to relocate to. Even after the demise of trade that had fallen apart ...

Why Zelda’s Breath Of The Wild and Tears Of The Kingdom looks like Ghibli

I absolutely love both Studio Ghibli and The Legend of Zelda. I started watching Studio Ghibli when I was in high school and the first Zelda game I ever played was Ocarina of Time. After playing 2017's Zelda Breath of the Wild I began to notice many similarities to Ghibli and...

Do you have time for a breATH?

Our journey into the world of design thinking and co-creation began with that very question. Throughout our course on “Cultural Marketing and Communication”, part of the Panteion University postgraduate program “MA in Cultural Management, Communication and Media”, that concep...

The Power of Breath

I wonder how many sets of lungs have passed through the San Francisco Zen Center and, maybe, breathed the world in a better direction. 300 Page Street is a solid 1922 Julia Morgan building that went from being a residence for young Jewish women to being the first Zen Buddhist temple in the U.S. in 1...

YHWH: His Breath in Our Lungs

There was a moment when Moses had the nerve to ask God what His name was. God was gracious enough to answer, and the name He gave in the original Hebrew was “YHWH.” Over time we’ve added an “a” and an “e” to get Yahweh because we prefer vowels. Scho...

Art is my poison and my medicine. It’s my lock and key. It’s my person. It’s my being. It’s my breath.

It’s January first. It’s my birthday. I was going through some of my emails and I was reading one of them that I received today amidst the baking, food, and gadget sites birthday sales for me to spend money. Art is my poison and my medicine. It’s my lock and key. It’s...

A Deep Breath: Practicing Antiracism after an Attempted Coup

Living through ongoing crises is draining! To process continued trauma, or brains require rest. (And when we don’t get it, we often perpetuate the culture of white supremacy that fuels these attacks.) Move deadlines, cancel or shorten meetings, lead by example in ending your workday at a reaso...