Tag: Brazilian

Pedro at Loggi: The experience of a Portuguese in a Brazilian unicorn

Background I have a very diverse profile, I am a chemical engineer, specialized in biotechnology by IST, I have a postgraduate degree in business by INDEG/ISCTE and an MBA from ESADE. I’ve worked in aviation, consulting, logistics, marketing and finally in product management. Througho...

I Nearly Had a Brazilian Butt Lift To Make My Dating Life Better. Here’s Why I’m Happy I didn’t

It seemed that every guy I had a crush on only wanted to be friends, and it really pissed me off. I spent so much time playing sports with these guys, trying to prove myself equal to them. Maybe they could start seeing me as more than just their friend, but it never seemed to be happening. As I grew...

Sallve: Why Investors are Fighting over this Brazilian Skincare Brand

· Sometimes the most important business decisions you make are those made at the very founding of your company (how, where, in what business, and for whom you will compete). · Ad spend on platforms where your target demographic doesn’t spend time could very well be like lighti...

Brazilian Food Love

I cannot lie. If there is one association I have with Brazil, so greatly engrained in me, it is the food. From carne picada to coxinha to churrasco, the food is ever-present and always there on my mind. Brazilians are known in the West for two major things: knowing how to party… and knowing h...

Announcing if-me.org in Brazilian Portuguese

Why is mental health important to you? Work, study and day-to-day life consumes your mind. Stressful situations can lead us to destructive situations or places we don’t want to go in the long term. Mental health affects us in public places like work or school, not just behind closed doors. ...