Tag: Bound

How Managers Can Bound Uncertainty

Heraclitus wrote, “The only constant in life is change.” For some change is existing, full of opportunity. For others, change means risk and the potential for loss. As a manager it’s important that you manage this risk for your employees. Since you can’t eliminate risk c...

Boston Bound

This essay, Boston Bound, is the transcript of my recently released podcast episode Boston Bound on my new podcast, My Time, My Life, where I talk about defining my own success in the face of failure. In my last essay, I wrote about the struggles and challenges I faced as a yo...

Bound for Freedom.

Once her bare chest inspired, a symbol of liberation in rallies and marches. But spectators mocked, their scorn ringing louder than raised voices. Dignity eroded as ridicule spread, reducing complex causes to sideshow caricatures. Beauty remained--sunsets painting the sky, children's joyful song...

How “bound together” is our Universe?

Our Universe’s matter, fundamentally, is composed of elementary particles. On the right, the gauge bosons, which mediate the three fundamental quantum forces of our Universe, are illustrated. There is only one photon to mediate the electromagnetic force, there are three bosons mediating...

I Am No Longer Bound To Keep The Peace

It’s not my place my job, my space. I’m not required to be the one to smooth the water, calm the fiery rage and storms or build the bridge or link the arms. I am not your whipping boy, or personal connector to your life or those you hurt. I am no longer bound. Click Here