Boston Bound

<p>This essay,&nbsp;<em>Boston Bound</em>, is the transcript of my recently released podcast episode&nbsp;<em>Boston Bound&nbsp;</em>on my new podcast,<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&nbsp;<em>My Time, My Life</em></a>, where I talk about defining my own success in the face of failure.</p> <p>In my last essay, I wrote about the struggles and challenges I faced as a young model in New York. In today&rsquo;s essay, I&rsquo;ll discuss my leaving New York for Boston, to take a break.</p> <p>When I decided to leave New York for Boston to be with my boyfriend for a few months, I&rsquo;d never seen my mom so happy for me to be doing something because of a man. I shouldn&rsquo;t say I went to Boston to be with him exactly, but it was an easy decision because it was a more manageable city that wasn&rsquo;t known to destroy people&rsquo;s dreams. So it was a blessing that he lived there, since it was an easy escape from New York.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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