Tag: borders

Could Australia and the UK have open borders with each other?

To judge by their stereotypes, Australia and the UK are extremely different places. Australia: a vast, sunny land filled with carefree surfers, scorpions, and crocodile-hunting tough guys. Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash Britain: a rainy little island filled...

Animate borders in Jetpack Compose

Animation has always been my absolute favourite. Today, we will cover how to do a nice gradient border animation in Jetpack Compose. In this article, I’ll walk you through the thinking process, which is crucial so you can do similar things independently. Simply reviewing the accompanying image...

Amsterdam Wants You to Keep Your Drunken Sex-Starved Self Away From Its Borders

This Nigerian pidgin saying comes to mind. As a 1900s-born Nigerian, I was taught never to chase people away from my home. Our parents never did so in their day and taught us to never do so, no matter how disgusting the guest becomes. You had to bear it all. You should also make them feel welcome...

No, President Biden Will Not Close the Southern Border

The left wing of the Democratic is aghast. I expect The Squad, who I adore, by the way, to explode into a frenzy. But it’s all politics. Biden has been playing politics for 40 years. He’s never confronted anything like MAGA. Either have you. Either has The Squad. So he has ...

Science without Borders

During my online lecture at the Science Week conference in Morocco today, I noticed a group of students wearing a hijab in the back of the auditorium who were fascinated by the science I was describing. Seeing them gave me hope for the future of humanity. At that moment, I felt more connected to the...