Animate borders in Jetpack Compose

<p>Animation has always been my absolute favourite. Today, we will cover how to do a nice gradient border animation in Jetpack Compose. In this article, I&rsquo;ll walk you through the thinking process, which is crucial so you can do similar things independently. Simply reviewing the accompanying images will suffice to kickstart your logic. The final result will be something like this.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*q3AmBMFIbomi5OllCFNaKg.gif" style="height:242px; width:600px" /></p> <p>So, let&rsquo;s begin...</p> <p>Before we jump into actual code, think about how it will be done. Before animating, you need a rounder corner shape with a border. You will be thinking about the&nbsp;<em>RoundedCorner()</em>&nbsp;shape we can pass as a parameter, and it&#39;s done. Imagine we&rsquo;re working with a limited canvas where we can only draw basic shapes. How would we draw a border around a simple rectangle? Just think for a moment...</p> <p><strong>Read More</strong></p>