Tag: Boomer

Case Study: OK Boomer. Trivia Game Design and Brand Identity

Let’s add some fun to your day: meet one of our design projects called OK Boomer, a bright and modern trivia game based on the questions at the crossroads of the knowledge, events, and experiences of different generations. In this case study, we want to uncover the fun and lively illustration ...

Move Boomer, Get Out the Way, Get Out the Way, Boomer

The problems I encountered were just repeats of problems I solved repeatedly during my career. Experience enables one to develop a solution to a fresh problem from a personal data bank of previous problems and solutions. Throw in that I had at least two direct reports that could do my job, and I ...

The re-education of a Southern Boomer chapter 1

I am the superfecta of privilege. For those of you who, like me, don’t know what a superfecta is, it is getting the top four places in a horse race correct which pays out a huge amount. A trifecta on steroids. In my case the superfecta of privilege is that I am — white, male, straigh...