Case Study: OK Boomer. Trivia Game Design and Brand Identity

<p>Let&rsquo;s add some fun to your day: meet one of our design projects called OK Boomer, a bright and modern trivia game based on the questions at the crossroads of the knowledge, events, and experiences of different generations. In this case study, we want to uncover the fun and lively illustration and design process on the broad scope of branding and graphic tasks the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">tubik design</a>&nbsp;team covered for this project, from game design and developing a big bunch of characters to packaging design and brand communication visuals. Take a glance at the result and have fun!</p> <p><img alt="" src="*pONctdU90EWvQP6s.jpg" style="height:394px; width:700px" /></p> <p>OK Boomer game packaging design</p> <h1>Client and Project</h1> <p><a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">OK Boomer trivia game</a>&nbsp;combines classic trivia with a new-age style of play to create a perfect, enjoyable, hilarious way to bring your family and friends together. To add even more fun, it has recently been extended with a couple of extension packs.</p> <p>It is a project started by the serial entrepreneur Joe Spisak, whom you may remember from our case on the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Dicey party game</a>, and inspired by a lovely and touching family story he shared on the game website: &ldquo;It was Christmas 2019 in Central, Pennsylvania and my family sat down for our annual holiday trivia night. You know the scene &mdash; drinks, snacks, matching pj&rsquo;s, etc. We pulled the old trivia board game out from the closet, and it was kids vs. adults. Game on. As the game went on, The Silent Generation and Boomers started to absolutely dominate us. I mean, how were we Millennials and Gen Zs going to know who won the World Series in 1944? I brought up the fact that the Boomers and Silent Generation were winning because all of the trivia questions were about things that happened way before we were even born (classic millennial, am I right?). We agreed to even the playing field for game two &mdash; the Gen-Zers and Millennials got questions based on more current events, while the Boomers and Silent Generation got classic trivia questions&rdquo;. Having realized how cool it would be to have to play such a trivia game on the more fair ground for all the sides, he and his family tried to find the one and failed to do that. So, they decided to create it by themselves and later were successfully crowdfunded on Kickstarter.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: OK Boomer