Tag: Blind

The Blind Faith of the MAGA Cult

I’ve struggled with reconciling my current beliefs about Christianity and religion with what I was taught growing up in my father’s churches he pastored when we were young children through our teenage years. These seem to be two very different things. When I was young, we were taught ...

Blind Tasting Tip: The Japanese Furoshiki Wrapping Method

If you have wrapped wine bottles before, you are probably aware of how complex and sometimes messy the process can be. First of all, you would need enough paper (either tissue paper or wrapping paper) to cover the entire shape of the bottle. Then you need to tie it closed with a ribbon on top, or ev...

3 White Privilege Blind Spots in Boston That Are Keeping Us Racist

The murder of George Floyd and the widespread conversations about race that are finally happening after a decade of watching black people die have led us to a crucial inflection point. We can’t keep silent, as we have for so long — especially not when we see so many o...

A Blind Woman Just Battered Me for 45 Minutes

They seem to usually know what they’re up to days in advance. Often, they possess the mystical capacity to do things like ‘plan an event’. I tend to be more of a serial lounger, who procrastinates taking action until some impulse strong enough to pull me out of whatever undeserv...

Shooting Blind

During a routine yearly eye exam In 2017, when I was 56, I learned I had Stargart’s Disease, a genetic disease that degrades the central part of the retina. It has no treatment or cure and usually causes blindness by age 20. At the time of my diagnosis, my vision was near 20/20, so I naively d...

Should We Be Color Blind or Race-Focused?

Then came Colourblindness: Why don’t we just ignore everyone’s race? Wouldn’t that solve the racism problem? If you treat everyone equally you aren’t treating anyone poorly because of their race. And for a time it was Good. Then came a hyper-focus on race: wokeism, DEI,...

What Comes After Blind Faith?

Antoine continued his journey through the outskirts of the city and came across another group of men. This group was deeply engaged in a serious discussion. Curious about their perspectives, he cautiously approached them. One of the men, with a determined look, noticed Antoine’s presence an...

In Politics, Blind Loyalty Is a Problem-But Yang Isn’t The Solution

On October 17th, the Justicialists of Argentina celebrate el Día de la Lealtad Peronista, the Day of Peronist Loyalty. It began in 1945 after Perón, formerly Labor Secretary and Vice President of the military government that had taken power by coup, was jailed. His superiors ha...

How Can You Claim Not to See Race But Ban Black History?

Color-blind racism is rooted in a lie that racial identity doesn't have any impact on Black people. The irony isn't lost on Black Americans that the same group of people who regularly claim that race does not, or should not matter, are actively targeting a group of people...

3 White Privilege Blind Spots in Boston That Are Keeping Us Racist

“Boston” and “racism” have become near synonyms. Whether it’s that infamous line from Martin Scorcese’s The Departed (“You’re a black guy in Boston. You don’t need any help from me to be completely f****d.”), or Roy Wood Jr.&rsquo...

In the Land of the Blind….

Pull a couple of things together and before you know it you created some Art For Art’s Sake, not necessarily portraying something real or even meaningful. Yet the simple act of adding things together, creating a new outcome, delivers a synergistic result — hopefully something p...