In Politics, Blind Loyalty Is a Problem-But Yang Isn’t The Solution

<p>On October 17th, the Justicialists of Argentina celebrate&nbsp;<em>el D&iacute;a de la Lealtad Peronista</em>, the Day of Peronist Loyalty.</p> <p>It began in 1945 after Per&oacute;n, formerly Labor Secretary and Vice President of the military government that had taken power by coup, was jailed. His superiors had understood the popularity Per&oacute;n had accumulated among the working class and the trade unions, and that this power could eventually lead to their own demise. So, off to the infamous prison of Isla Mart&iacute;n Garc&iacute;a he goes, and it&rsquo;s over.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Blind Loyalty