Tag: Blade

Beyond Blade Runner: Could be a glimpse into Hong Kong’s 2047 Cyberpunk Reality?

In the collective imagination, cyberpunk has always been more than a genre — it’s a prophecy. The neon-drenched streets, the high-tech low-lives, and the fusion of the far East with the far-out have been immortalized by films like “Blade Runner.” But as we edge closer to the ...

Inside ‘Delusion: The Blue Blade—Director’s Cut’ (Review & Interview)

One of the greatest gifts our childhood imagination gives us is the ability to go into any space and find an adventure there, boundless and expansive and intricate. You evade danger and fight bad guys (or good guys, if you were that kid), and live fully in a world that doesn’t exist,...

I thought Blade Runner was boring until I moved to Los Angeles

I first watched Blade Runner on a cold, unremarkable February night in Brooklyn. I believe it was The Final Cut. I was 26 years old. The mid-twenties is when white men who own at least 1 Vampire Weekend album become very passionate about very generic things: craft beers, vinyl records...

Beyond the Blade: Exploring Non-Invasive Surgical Breakthroughs

Endoscopic surgery employs endoscopes: flexible tubes appended with a camera and light source. These small incisions or natural orifices, allow for the viewing and manipulation of internal organs. This technique finds broad application in gastrointestinal surgeries; and joint repairs — among o...