Inside ‘Delusion: The Blue Blade—Director’s Cut’ (Review & Interview)

<p>One of the greatest gifts our childhood imagination gives us is the ability to go into any space and find an adventure there, boundless and expansive and intricate. You evade danger and fight bad guys (or good guys, if you were&nbsp;<em>that</em>&nbsp;kid), and live fully in a world that doesn&rsquo;t exist, but feels like it could.&nbsp;<em>Delusion: The Blue Blade</em>&nbsp;gives that experience back to you, only with a considerable upgrade to the production values.</p> <p>A departure from&nbsp;<em>Delusion</em>&rsquo;s previous horror experiences,&nbsp;<em>The Blue Blade</em>&nbsp;is a classic adventure story &mdash; one with plenty of shocks, surprises, and (light) scares &mdash; that sends attendees on a journey through time, from a war zone to an ancient jungle shrouded in mist and numerous stops in between, as they hunt for a mysterious artifact and are hunted, in turn, by mysterious, terrifying spectres.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Blue Blade