Tag: birth

Searching for a re-birth after doing a Ph.D.

Academia has scarred me, and I am not sure I will recover, but the alternatives might have been worse. I don’t know whether pursuing other avenues (the industry, as some colleagues would call it) would have saved me from experiencing this forever sense of doom. Perhaps it is just a natural ...

All about barbering: Interview with Joy’s Birth

Joy’s Birth barbershop is an example of how to continue and revive traditions. Shop is located in Athens, the heart of Greece. Only the charming Nina aka Ginger Witch permits to violate its rule “Men Only”. But we are sure: this girl can win any barber who dares to doubt her ...

2.6 The Birth of Democracy

Throughout the turbulent era of the Persian wars, Athens built a powerful democratic political system that held the city together and made her unique in the world. Since time immemorial, Greek cities had developed power-sharing institutions, as was evident even in reactionary Sparta: there were two ...

Jumping 36 stories in less than a day of your birth and surviving!

The remote Orsted Dal Valley in Greenland provides a scene of one of the most extraordinary trials that any animal must face at the beginning of its life. Barnacle Geese chicks cannot fly for 8 or more weeks. However, to survive they must jump from heights of 120 meters (approx. 36 stories) or so...

The Birth of Girls Chronically Rock (What exactly is MD?)

Girls Chronically Rock was birthed out of the need for community after I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy a few years back. A rare diagnosis, only affecting about 50,000 Americans, I realized many people don’t quite know what MD is. Before my life had to make room for it, I didn’t k...

Astrology and fertility: calculate the number of children in a birth chart

Astrology has been used for centuries to gain insight into various aspects of life, including fertility. Dorotheus of Sidon was a 1st-century Greek astrologer and astrological poet who had a significant impact on the later Hellenistic and medieval astrological traditions. Dorotheus' work...

How To Find Your Husband In Your Birth Chart

The sign Jupiter is in embodies the qualities of your husband. Jupiter in Virgo speaks to a diligent, service-oriented spouse. Think of the Virgos in your life. They tend to be perfectionistic, careful, and practical people. A Jupiter in Virgo would indicate a spouse who embodies those similar ...

The birth of writing

In Sumer, located in southern Mesopotamia, numerous commercial elites are indeed established. With the ambition to showcase their wealth, merchants record on tablets the quantities exchanged and their "quality," meaning their nature: gold, silver, construction wood, and other rare, valuabl...

Vitamin K Shot At Birth Pros And Cons

Since 1961, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended giving vitamin K shots to newborns to prevent the risk of Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding (VKDB). Giving the shot right after birth can reduce the risk of life-threatening internal bleeding, occurring anytime between 0 and 6 m...

What happens when the people of your birth country think you’re a foreigner?

Patrick Cox: Hands up who has a parent from another country. OK, maybe not hands up if you’re driving. This is what a lot of us have in common: We feel fake when we root for our parent’s country. If my Irish dad and I watched any kind of sporting contest involving an Irish man or w...