What happens when the people of your birth country think you’re a foreigner?

<p>Patrick Cox: Hands up who has a parent from another country. OK, maybe not hands up if you&rsquo;re driving.</p> <p>This is what a lot of us have in common: We feel fake when we root for our parent&rsquo;s country.</p> <p>If my Irish dad and I watched any kind of sporting contest involving an Irish man or woman, that was who we rooted for. Even Irish horses.</p> <p>But, why feel fake? I&rsquo;m Irish. I have citizenship through my Dad. I have a shedload of Irish relatives.</p> <p><a href="https://subtitlepod-62956.medium.com/what-happens-when-the-people-of-your-birth-country-think-youre-a-foreigner-b3c93321b899"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: birth Country