Tag: Birds

The New Birds of Prey is Exactly What I Expected

One of my favorite comic writers is Kelly Thompson. One of my favorite superhero teams is the Birds of Prey. So, when I found out that Kelly Thompson is writing a new Birds of Prey run, I immediately knew what ongoing I was going to start following next. However, as the Birds of Prey’s #1 f...

Amsterblog: birds of the Netherlands, ranked according to me

I know all my friends from home must be incredibly eager to learn about my travels in the Netherlands. Given my unique opportunity to learn about gender, sexuality, and multiculturalism in the most progressive country in the world, I just HAD to write a piece about my opinions on various species of ...

The Boys Who Loved Birds

“In this area you should go just behind me,” the stout man says, the th of his this buzzing like a bee. Then, as if to reassure me, he adds, “I’ve been here before, with other colleagues and journalists, and no one died.” I’ve traveled here, to...

Ask the birds

As Rome’s sun began its descent, bathing the well-heeled and chic gathered atop Luca’s rooftop bar. The scent of limoncello and the soft strum of a guitar and the distant murmur of Rome’s bustling streets, enveloped the terrace. Luca, the bar’s proprietor, stood with an...

Counting Birds in Downtown Vancouver with OpenAI — 5

count the number of birds in images captured by traffic cameras in Vancouver. To count the number of birds in the images, you can use computer vision and object detection techniques. First, you need to perform a discovery step by collecting the images from the traffic cameras in Downtown Vancouve...

10 Best Types of Bird Feeders for Attracting Birds

Bluebirds love mealworms and finches love thistle and just about everyone loves black oil sunflower seeds! But some bird foods are too small or too large for standard hopper feeders and some birds are more attracted to certain feeder shapes than others. That’s why if you want to attract t...

Let’s Rename Some Birds

A video of the confrontation went viral and Amy Cooper was charged with filing a false police report. The incident sparked a national discussion regarding the challenges of “birding while black.” Christian Cooper’s experience highlighted inequities regarding peaceful, unc...

The Joy of Birds: The benefits of counting or rating birds for joy

Emotions matter. They help change mindsets, are at the heart of relationships and are expertly targeted to fuel consumption — yet the rational mind can dismiss emotions as inferior to facts and figures. The pathways to nature connectedness and our interventions include emotions to help form a ...

Finding “Missing” Rare Birds

I’m not super-well qualified to write this blog. As I have discussed before, I’m not especially keen on UK birding’s disproportionate focus on rarities and twitching. I’m also in no position to hold forth with advice on finding rare birds. In my 30+ year birding career, ...

Birds of my park- I’ll never forget

Birds of India helps you come to grips with our feathered neighbours with this two-part introduction to city-dwelling birds of India. Some of our birds are well adapted to life around human settlements and indeed many can be found only around habitations. Now will cover the birds that are most commo...

How to Attract Birds to Your Garden in Winter

When temperatures drop, wild birds will need a higher fat intake to help keep them warm. Providing lots of fat-rich foods is a great way to attract birds to your garden and keep them coming back. We recommend fat balls. They’re ideal winter treats for wild birds as they’re high i...

Birds Get Depressed

Birds are magnificent creatures that can add beauty, intelligence, and personality to our lives. However, having a pet bird comes with its own set of obstacles and duties. Understanding a pet bird’s behavior and how to properly train it is one of the most crucial compo...

Can Birds Burn Their Feet? Unraveling the Myth

Birds have always been a subject of curiosity for many. From their ability to fly to their vibrant colors, they never cease to amaze. One question that often surfaces among bird enthusiasts and curious minds alike is: Can birds burn their feet? We’ve delved into this intriguing topic with the ...

Some Odd Birds Visited the Carolinas in 2023

The Red-Footed Booby is a large seabird that soars over tropical oceans and very occasionally comes to Florida or the Dry Tortugas. But this one came to North Carolina and plopped down on a wooden bridge beside a pond. Just down the road from the State Farmers Market. Immediately the word got out...

Juvenile Birds at the Feeder

Fall is quickly approaching. Next Friday is September 1st. Where has the Summer gone? It seems to go faster every year. With Fall comes bird watching, specifically feeder bird watching. As the weather cools, more and more birds will visit the feeders. For those of you who follow my writings, you ...

Can I Feed Bread to My Garden Birds?

Bread can be used as a cheap filler ingredient and can leave birds feeling full, but it must only be a small component of their diet. This is because bread does not contain the necessary fats and proteins birds need to thrive. A diet of only bread can cause birds to suffer vitamin deficiencies or...

How to Find and Track Birds Worldwide with eBird

Before this year, I casually used the eBird mobile app to find birds I would like to see and photograph. But now, I use its website and mobile app to find birds and track sightings on almost every bird photography outing. This article describes what eBird is and how you can use it to enhan...

Meet The Real Birds Of ‘The Twelve Days Of Christmas’ Fame

Since today is the fifth (or the sixth) day of Christmas, I thought I’d share the real species identities of all the birds mentioned in the famous English Christmas carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” , as identified by Pamela Rasmussen, an integrative biologist at Michigan ...

5 Incredible Birds to Watch for When You Travel to the American Southwest

The American Southwest is a place of rugged beauty. And its landscapes, while unforgiving, are buzzing with life. And the most fascinating inhabitants are the birds that have adapted to thrive in these conditions. From quirky Gambel’s Quail to the brash Phainopepla, these birds have adap...

Birds of a feather, sticking together

I would not say I’m a regular birder, but I do enjoy watching the occasional avian friend — especially at this time of year. I live in an area of the country blessed with a number of fowl neighbors, many of which are just now making their return home from winter habitats. Some...

Not Actually For the Birds

D.L. Kreft will not be making his regular appearance here this week in For the Birds. Word on the street is that he is busy hurriedly building his counter-turkey warfare moat and turret while they are reluctant to leave the shade of the trees due to the summer heat. Smooth move, Mr. Kreft. I want to...

Identifying Backyard Birds with AWS

I’ve had my eye on a product called Bird Buddy for a while. It’s a wifi-enabled backyard bird feeder with a wide-angle camera mounted on the front. When the camera detects that a feathered friend has stopped by for some seed, it starts recording. The viewer can play back the vi...

Migratory Birds are Under Threat in New Jersey! Watch the TASC Migratory Bird Slideshow!

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Together, we can make a difference! To sign the petition and for more information to prevent the degradation of a special property and the environment, go to: https://www.change.org/TASCTogether To receive important updates, announcements, and future Robbinsville Zoning ...

Birds teach me photography

In my childhood days, my knowledge of birds was very scant. I knew the bird which made the sound “caw, caw” was the crow, and the bird which made “coo, coo” was the skylark. Rest all birds which I saw up the tree I simply referred them as sparrows — may be a big sparrow...

Wings of Conservation: Jocotoco’s Journey to Protect 10% of the World’s Birds

Origins of Conservation: The Discovery of Jocotoco Antpitta The Jocotoco Foundation traces its roots back to the discovery of a previously undocumented bird species — the Jocotoco Antpitta (Grallaria ridgelyi). Ornithologist Robert S. Ridgely stumbled upon this ground-dwelling bird in the t...

Canary in the beehive : Birds, Bees, and Us

Ever noticed the cheerful chirping of birds in the morning or watched a busy bee hopping from flower to flower? These moments of nature’s harmony might become a rarity sooner than we think. You see, our feathery friends and the buzzing bees are disappearing, and it’s not just a concern f...

5 Awesome Bird Species That Need More Recognition

Colorful, musical, airborne & clever. Birds are admired for their feathers, looks and even personalities. Scroll down to discover the 5 interesting species that need the recognition they deserve. 1. Resplendent Quetzal The Quetzal is not just the word for the currency of Guatemala, it&rsqu...

A Miscellany Of Birds

These Black-tailed Godwits were in flight as I was on the path by the harbour. I managed to get this shot. There were a lot more, more than I’ve ever seen before. I’m guessing they stay close in winter in order to have warmth at night and maybe it makes feeding easier. I am not expert en...

9 Ways to Deter Birds at Airports

Bentonville Municipal Airport has a Maverick on its team, but unlike the Maverick of “Top Gun” aviation movie fame, this one is no fan of Goose. The Maverick in Bentonville, Arkansas is actually a border collie, and his job is to get rid of the geese on and near airport grounds. ...

When Birds Are Making Love

I was sitting on my lounging chair writing on my tablet when a sparrow was attacking another one on the ground. I watched the two of them telling David one bird was ‘killing’ another one. Only a lot later when I watched two more couples doing the same, I noticed this wasn’t an a...

Can Animals and Birds Truly Sense your “Vibes”?

Okay! Then, let’s start with today’s hot topic, “Vibes.” What is a vibe? Have you ever gone deeper to know what exactly it is? However, we usually say that “her vibes are very good. How do we predict that? Confused? Let’s clear it out. It is a body sensor that ...

Visual Perception for Self-Driving Cars! Part 6: Camera to Bird’s Eye View

One of the most essential tasks for autonomous driving is precise environment perception. The measurement of environmental distances while integrating monocular cameras is quite difficult. As monocular cameras can only see places in the picture plane, images can be transformed to a bird&rs...

This African Bird’s Superpower May Inspire A Better Water Bottle

Asmall group of birds, the sandgrouse, that dwell in Africa’s forbidding deserts have long mystified and delighted observers because they absorb and carry water in their breast feathers whilst flying long distances to water their thirsty chicks. How do they do this? Thanks to the use of high r...

Birds’ Role in Urban Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation

Wildlife and biodiversity are not generally linked with urban environments. Birds, on the other hand, have demonstrated their endurance and adaptation by prospering in urban contexts, where they serve an important role in maintaining ecological balance and conserving biodiversity. The importanc...

Vultures: Ugly Birds with a Beautiful Purpose

The vultures is nobody’s beauty queen, that’s for sure. It is a flinch-worthy, dead-eyed, ugly bird of nightmares. But we truly need them because vultures play a pivotal role in the health of ecosystems around the world. Without the not-so-beautiful vulture, life would become a real n...

A bird’s eye view of linear algebra: The measure of a map — determinant

We discussed in the previous chapter the concept of vector spaces (basically n-dimensional collections of numbers — and more generally collections of fields) and linear maps that operate on two of those vector spaces, taking objects in one to the other. As an example of these...

Birds of a Feather: How the Audubon Society and Vegetarians Shaped the History of Millinery

Hats were an essential accessory for women in the 19th and early 20th century. While hats were used as sun protection, they were also an important part of social etiquette. A woman going outside with an uncovered head in 19th and early 20th century Western culture was considered ...