Tag: Biology

Large Language Models in Molecular Biology

Will we ever decipher the language of molecular biology? Here, I argue that we are just a few years away from having accurate in silico models of the primary biomolecular information highway — from DNA to gene expression to proteins — that rival experimental accuracy and can be used in m...

Reminding Transgender People of Their Biology Is Not the Flex You Think It Is

Gender-critical people often feel compelled to emphasize the biology transgender people were born with. Many act like they are imparting some profound insight to us, hoping we’ll have an epiphany and see the error in our ways. It’s as if they think that by reminding us of ...

Biology, Sex, and Transgender People: A Resource Page

The second narrative is that “biological sex” is strictly dichotomous and immutable, and therefore supersedes transgender people’s self-understood “gender.” This narrative implies that trans people must be “delusional” (or perhaps even “brainwashed by ...

10 quotes from Dr. Bruce Lipton that will help you cultivate your “biology of belief”

Dr. Bruce Lipton is a renowned cell biologist and author who has made significant contributions to the field of epigenetics, the study of how environmental factors can affect gene expression. Through his research and teachings, Lipton has helped to popularize the concept of the “biology of bel...

Programming Life like a software: How Digital Biology Will Disrupt Everything?

TheBio Revolution encompasses a range of fast-moving fields such as genomics, proteomics, cell engineering, and synthetic biology. As Huang notes, it’s flat out going to be one of the biggest technological shifts we’ve ever seen. According to experts, the economic impact will be on par w...

Cell Theory: The Cornerstone of Modern Biology

Understanding Cell Theory The cell theory comprises three main concepts: 1.All Living Organisms are Composed of Cells: This highlights the universal application of cell theory across all life forms. 2.The Cell is the Basic Unit of Life: It emphasizes the role of cells as the fundamental...

Biotechnology Breakthroughs: From Gene Editing to Synthetic Biology

Biotechnology stands at the forefront of scientific innovation, heralding a new era in which the boundaries of what was once deemed impossible are continually pushed. Within this realm, two groundbreaking areas, gene editing and synthetic biology, have emerged as transformative forces, capturing the...

Exploring the Wonders of Molecular Biology

The flow of genetic information is orchestrated by two essential processes: transcription and translation. Transcription involves the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template, while translation translates this RNA code into a functional protein. The coordination between these processes is fundamental to...

Exploring the Wonders of Molecular Biology

One of the key aspects of molecular biology is the deciphering of the genetic code, which specifies how the sequence of nucleotides in DNA translates into the sequence of amino acids in proteins. DNA replication, a crucial process for cell division, ensures the faithful transmission of genetic infor...

Yearly Recap: Genetics & Biology 2023

In the dynamic landscape of scientific discovery, the past year showcased breakthroughs in molecular biology and genetics. From real-time insights into CRISPR-Cas protein complexes to precise control over virus assembly using DNA ‘origami,’ these findings reflect a relentless pursuit of ...

Gay genes, liberals, and the relevance of biology to politics

A study about the genetics of “nonheterosexualtiy” came out in Science yesterday [1]. Its main conclusion was completely unsurprising: the trait they were interested in — whether someone had ever, versus never, had sex with someone of the same sex — is partly heritable (we al...

The Biology of Mindfulness and Mindlessness — A Neuroscientist’s Perspective

I spent most of my life mindlessly obsessing about the past and the future. I was consumed by anxiety and tormented by my mind, but completely unaware of the source of my suffering. To escape my pain, I used drugs, resulting in 15 years of chronic heroin addiction. Heroin brought me to the very e...