Tag: Bill

Bill Gates: People Don’t Realize What’s Coming

In the 16th century, there was a man by the name of Nostradamus. He was a man with the gift of foresight. Some say he predicted the rise of Napoleon, the French Revolution, and even the world wars. People still search for hidden meanings in Nostradamus’ verses, hoping...

Bill Simmons’ Full-Blown Heel Turn

Though I’ve only met Bill Simmons once, for a brief few seconds at a book-signing event in Washington, D.C. several years back, like so many other aspiring and/or hobbyist sports writers on the interwebs, I’ve always considered him a role model — if not a hero — of sorts. ...

The Bill for Damages gets sent to COP

The COP this year flipped the usual order of things on its head. Normally the first week is for delegations of wordsmiths to hammer out text. The second week is for the Heads of State to arrive and make grandiose statements, then go behind closed doors and hedge on what they are willing to commit to...

2024–1‑7 Radio Show Transcript — 2024 Preview, a look ahead | Astrologer Bill Attride

As we move into 2024, it is time for us to con­sid­er what Astro­log­i­cal con­di­tions will pre­vail dur­ing this year and beyond. The major plan­e­tary align­ment of this year includes the first major aspect of Sat­urn to Plu­to since their l...

A New Gun Bill Which Makes Sense.

If the bill introduced yesterday in the Senate by Angus King (I-ME) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) becomes law, it will mark the first time that the government’s focus on controlling the ownership and use of guns will be where it should always have been, namely, on the lethality of the w...

Bill of Rights for People of Mixed Heritage (30-Year Anniversary)

Multiracials’ Cultural Competence — Siddiqui et al., 2018 “Multiracials have unique strengths stemming from their mixedness (Shih & Sanchez, 2005; Salahuddin & O’Brien, 2011). For example, Multiracials have been found to show greater appreciation, toleran...

AA Founder Bill Wilson Lauded LSD

Ifyou were to visit your doctor, and he/she broke the horrifying news that you had a potentially fatal and progressive disease, you would immediately want to know all of your treatment options. If your doctor told you that the oldest and most well-known treatment option (Alcoholics Anonymous) had...