2024–1‑7 Radio Show Transcript — 2024 Preview, a look ahead | Astrologer Bill Attride

<p>As we move into 2024, it is time for us to con&shy;sid&shy;er what Astro&shy;log&shy;i&shy;cal con&shy;di&shy;tions will pre&shy;vail dur&shy;ing this year and beyond. The major plan&shy;e&shy;tary align&shy;ment of this year includes the first major aspect of Sat&shy;urn to Plu&shy;to since their last con&shy;junc&shy;tion in Jan&shy;u&shy;ary 2020, which is a semi-square that is exact in May, Sep&shy;tem&shy;ber, and Jan&shy;u&shy;ary of 2025. 2024 will also be the final year of Pluto&rsquo;s tran&shy;si&shy;tion from the sign of Capri&shy;corn to Aquar&shy;ius, and it will the final full year for both Nep&shy;tune in Pisces before it tran&shy;si&shy;tions to Aries, and final full year for Uranus in Tau&shy;rus before it tran&shy;si&shy;tions to Gem&shy;i&shy;ni. Those shifts indi&shy;cate that we will cer&shy;tain&shy;ly be in a much dif&shy;fer&shy;ent world by 2025 and beyond.</p> <p><a href="https://billattride.medium.com/2024-1-7-radio-show-transcript-2024-preview-a-look-ahead-astrologer-bill-attride-56440e6c2f8c"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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