Tag: Bigger

David Hockney — A Bigger Splash #notesontheartwork

August is almost over but Europe is still hot as hell, so the ideal painting for the return of #notesontheartwork is, of course, A Bigger Splash by the British artist David Hockney, whose iconic depiction of his California dream can transport us to a refreshing moment on a hot day. And tha...

How to highly compress bigger files to small size using winrar / winzip

Alight, I use this technique usually and it helped me reduce a 900mb ISO file to a few mb .rar file. Yeah, you heard it right a 900mb file to a mere a few mbs file, but do remember that this totally depends on the type of file. Let me break this into 2 parts. Part#1 : Configuring ...

Recycling? Shorter Showers? No. We Must Think Bigger.

Most of us will be city-dwellers in the future. Three million people are moving to cities every week, and by 2050, 68% of the global population is projected to live in urban areas.  But with so many people living in cities, how will this affect the environment? Ci...

There is a bigger threat than ‘climate change’, that’s looming over the world!

We enrolled our baby into a daycare center near our home, that was now handling our son, along with the sons and daughters of a few other neighborhood parents. While the parents of those babies could focus on work and other stuff. It is truly said that it needs a village to raise a child. Just th...

How Saving $20K on PMI with a Bigger Mortgage Down Payment Probably Costs You Over $250K

My friend bought a house recently on the East Coast — his first one — and he was catching me up on how his first year of living there has gone. One of the things he mentioned was that he had made a larger than planned down payment on the house of 20% in order to not have to purchase P...

Don’t You Think There’s Something Bigger Out There?

I never understood why so many Christians fixate on the need to believe in “something bigger.” They present this as a reason to believe in their preferred god(s). “Don’t you think there’s something bigger out there?” Yes, I do! Almost everything that’s &ldqu...

Addressing the needs of everyone with bigger-picture thinking

A few years ago, I found myself in the middle of a crowded conference hall, partaking in a developers’ conference that was set to unveil the latest breakthroughs in the realm of artificial intelligence. It was your typical tech event, complete with its obligatory array of luminous screens, per...

Addressing the needs of everyone with bigger-picture thinking

A few years ago, I found myself in the middle of a crowded conference hall, partaking in a developers’ conference that was set to unveil the latest breakthroughs in the realm of artificial intelligence. It was your typical tech event, complete with its obligatory array of luminous screens, per...

7 Signs The Universe Has a Bigger Mission for You

If you’re like me and feel like you don’t belong, this read might help you understand why… You and I have a special gift in our hearts, a gift that all people have access to; they simply have yet to discover this part of themselves. I used to be blind to this power as well. ...

Mine is Ten Percent Bigger

Just because you are bold enough to ask me a question, do you think I’m going to drop everything and answer it no matter how personal it is? Is that what you really want me to do? Well, my favorite body part is only about 10% larger than a woman’s. It’s really embarras...