Tag: awful

How to fix Sydney’s awful traffic … and make it the best city in the world

Traffic congestion. It’s the massive elephant in the room. The daily frustration for people not just getting to work, but going anywhere in this city. And it’s not just the inconvenience of it, it comes at a huge cost to our local environment, climate, health and economy. Will a fe...

Why We Keep Getting Awful Politicians

Forget bankers, lawyers, and traffic wardens — if there is one profession the public loves to hate, it’s politicians. Recent research shows that some 65% of Americans believe that politicians only run to serve their own interests, and just 20% trust the government in Washing...

Why We Keep Getting Awful Politicians

Forget bankers, lawyers, and traffic wardens — if there is one profession the public loves to hate, it’s politicians. Recent research shows that some 65% of Americans believe that politicians only run to serve their own interests, and just 20% trust the government in Washing...

The Awful Truth About Oxford Houses (Part 1)

Oxford Houses are supposed to be self-run, democratic, group-type homes for people who are in recovery from drug and/or alcohol addiction. The philosophy is that people who have been through the hell of active addiction provide better-quality, no-judgment support than those who have not, and when a ...