Tag: Awe

Moments of Awe

As a child my parents often took us to a farm about 25 miles north of where I live. It was out in the country and sat at the base of a very high hill. A few years ago I was out for a drive in the fall. I realized I had found my way to the farm and headed up to the hill. From the top what I saw wa...

The Awe of the Land

Classical Chinese landscape painting began around the time of the artist and poet Wang Wei, during the first half of the eighth-century. He’s known as the innovator responsible for introducing a poetic dimension to landscapes and for originating the discipline of brush and ink painting on...

Five Awe-inspiring Warrior Goddesses You’ll Want on Your Side

Are the trolls getting to you — at work, in your neighborhood, or online? Are you having trouble ending a crappy relationship, or encountering health problems? You need someone on your side who will fight for you with the fierceness of a mother. While Wikipedia lists only 85, the ...

Psychedelics and the Rediscovery of Awe

I heard an analogy recently that really resonated with me. The speaker likened the experience of psychedelics to the paths that form along snow-covered sledding hills. After a few sleds travel down the hill, pathways begin to form in the snow. The more sleds that slide down that hill, the deeper ...

The Awe of the Land

Classical Chinese landscape painting began around the time of the artist and poet Wang Wei, during the first half of the eighth-century. He’s known as the innovator responsible for introducing a poetic dimension to landscapes and for originating the discipline of brush and ink painting on...