Tag: Auto

Leverage Auto-SKLearn Package to Improve ML Process

Leverage Auto-SKLearn Package to Improve ML Process Machine learning (ML) has grown in popularity over the past few years. With the increasing demand for data-driven solutions across industries, ML has become an essential tool for businesses and researchers. However, selecting and fine-tuning ML ...

Today’s Fight Over Auto Wages Is The Wrong Fight

The industry needs a massive workforce support program. For the first time in history the auto unions have struck all three American car-makers, and the thrashing around has made the waters murky. But there is a shark coming in fast and not enough people have noticed it. Its dorsal fin is ...

EC2 Auto-shutdown with Lambda

What we are going to do throughout this project Creating IAM policy and Roles for lambda to stop and describe instances Set Up AWS Lambda function Create a Trigger with Event Rule Identify Idle Instances with a python script in the lambda function Implement the Shutdown by checking the...

Legacy auto are now locked into near bankruptcy. ‘Naïve green dreamers’? We were right all along.

It’s all starting to happen exactly as Tesla and ReThinkX’s Tony Seba have predicted for . . a full decade. It’s not primarily because green laws got on ‘our side’ either. It’s because, as we predicted, EVs actually became cheaper than IC...

What Is Semi-auto Biochemistry Analyzer?

The machine has a variety of colored filters that represent different wavelengths. They might range from 6 to 7 in number. You may also have an extra slot (1–2) for adding more filters if necessary. 340 nm, 405 nm, 500 nm, 546 nm, 578 nm, 620 nm, and 670 nm are some of the most popular wavelen...