Today’s Fight Over Auto Wages Is The Wrong Fight

<p><strong>The industry needs a massive workforce support program.</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="*uu03YBzZYOd_r42mZ-ohsg.png" style="height:351px; width:624px" /></p> <p>For the first time in history the auto unions have struck all three American car-makers, and the thrashing around has made the waters murky.</p> <p>But there is a shark coming in fast and not enough people have noticed it. Its dorsal fin is marked &ldquo;EV&rdquo;.</p> <p>The current dispute centers on plants that produce internal combustion engines (ICE), which are the largest component of the industry thus far. On the management side, owners argue that workers should not get anything more, because they are already getting enough and they do not share the risk. It is held that it is the shareholders &mdash; not laborers &mdash; who bear the risk of a downside if sales slump.</p> <p>This is nonsense: the labor force itself will be cut if sales slump, and there is no greater risk to a worker than losing their job.</p> <p>Shareholders on the other hand will be reimbursed by a society that assures risk for the workers and socialism for the wealthy &mdash; i.e. governments will fund the auto companies to ensure their continued prosperity.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Auto fight