Tag: Attention

Pay Attention To The Everyday Horrors

Have you ever noticed how the criticisms that both mainstream US political factions make about their opposition tend to be cartoonish exaggerations and whole cloth lies with little or no grounding in reality? It’s the strangest thing. Since 2015 Democrats have been insisting that Trump&rsqu...

5 Things to Pay Attention to if You Want to Know Someone’s True Character

Ever gone on a date only to come back home and think: ‘’I have no idea what they’re really like’’? Same here. One of the guys I dated was the opposite — he was convinced after just one date that I was the love of his life. The thing is: you can’t...

Living And Dying In The Attention Economy

Everybody wants to be seen. The drive is unavoidably hammered into our DNA. But capturing anyone’s attention, even for a moment, is quite the challenge these days. So, it’s no surprise to see the extremes people go to satisfy this hard-wired need. Doods climbing up the side of a m...

Living And Dying In The Attention Economy

Everybody wants to be seen. The drive is unavoidably hammered into our DNA. But capturing anyone’s attention, even for a moment, is quite the challenge these days. So, it’s no surprise to see the extremes people go to satisfy this hard-wired need. Doods climbing up the side of a m...

Attention SketchUp Users!

Your iPad workflow is about to get supercharged with the two best iPad apps for architecture: SketchUp and Morpholio Trace! With the release of Trimble’s SketchUp for iPad, you can now create SketchUp models on the go and export your 3D models directly to Morpholio Trace. Then, ...

Pay Attention to What’s Happening in Texas

My immediate reaction was to delete the email. I don’t want to read about this, even when it’s a victory. Or I should say, was a victory, a short-lived one at that. In case you haven’t been paying attention, Kate Cox, a Texas resident, recently got a fatal diagnosis fo...

Attention Truckers, RV & MotorHome Drivers… These tips could possibly save you thousands!

Buckle up, folks, ’cause I’m about to share some vital information for anyone driving a large or heavy vehicle.… Picture this: you’re cruising along in your RV, enjoying the open road, when suddenly, BAM! You come face-to-face with a monstrous mountain grade. The kind tha...

Nevada Could Determine the Fate of the Senate. So Why Is No One Paying Attention?

That could mean that control of the Senate will end up hinging on whether Cortez Masto can hold onto her seat against the challenge of Adam Laxalt. And that’s really interesting, because the mainstream media has paid remarkably little attention to the Nevada race. While the Fetterman/Oz and Wa...

Where is your attention right now? How to get it back.

Where is your attention right now? The human brain’s attention system is actually the success story of what makes us unique as human beings. Because attention fuels our ability to think, feel, and connect, what we pay attention to is our life. For a long time, through our evolutionary histo...

How To Handle Ever-Diminishing Attention Spans?

Intoday’s fast-paced digital world, the phenomenon of shrinking attention spans has become increasingly prevalent. This is equally true for both young and adults. With the constant bombardment of information, people are finding it challenging to focus their attention for extended periods. This...