Tag: Atheists

Why Babies are Right to be Atheists

Have you ever been in such a long argument with someone that you forgot what you were arguing about in the first place? For centuries, theists and atheists have been arguing about whether God exists, and as late as the atheist Anthony Flew’s contention in 1976 about the logical “presu...

Why Babies are Right to be Atheists

Have you ever been in such a long argument with someone that you forgot what you were arguing about in the first place? For centuries, theists and atheists have been arguing about whether God exists, and as late as the atheist Anthony Flew’s contention in 1976 about the logical “presu...

Why I’m not an atheist

Isuspect this article will irritate two groups of people: atheists, and Fundamentalist Christians. I’m not judging your religious beliefs, or lack thereof, rather I am often asked why I am not an atheist? I am asked this question nearly equally by the two above-named groups. Many of my friends...

New ‘New Atheist’ Cry: There Is No Trans

The reason this particular incident hit home for me is that I had, a couple years earlier, made a large effort to network in-person with an international group of humanists and atheists. I had assumed that a secular group would be trans-inclusive or at least not outright transphobic. It hadn’t...