Why Babies are Right to be Atheists

<p>Have you ever been in such a long argument with someone that you forgot what you were arguing about in the first place?</p> <p>For centuries, theists and atheists have been arguing about whether God exists, and as late as the atheist Anthony Flew&rsquo;s contention in 1976 about the logical &ldquo;presumption&rdquo; of atheism, there&rsquo;s been confusion about what atheism is supposed to be. How can there be any resolution here if the two sides can&rsquo;t agree on what they&rsquo;re arguing for?</p> <p>Worse than that, atheists seem to forget their position&rsquo;s historical origin. It&rsquo;s no wonder there&rsquo;s confusion about the logical status of atheism, since &ldquo;atheism&rdquo; was originally a pejorative label assigned by proponents of some state religion. Christians were &ldquo;atheists&rdquo; relative to the Roman polytheists, and &ldquo;pagans&rdquo; and skeptics were &ldquo;atheists&rdquo; relative to Christendom.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/gods-funeral/why-babies-are-right-to-be-atheists-fc3ff9ccc2d5"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Atheists