Tag: AsyncIO

Scalable Real-Time Apps with Python and Redis: Exploring AsyncIO, FastAPI, and Pub/Sub

I have recently started working on a side project, a real-time mobile board game with Unity, and I decided to use Python as the server’s programming language. In recent years, Python has introduced mature async I/O frameworks, such as AsyncIO and AnyIO. And web frameworks such as FastAPI are u...

Use These Methods to Make Your Python Concurrent Tasks Perform Better

Where the Problem Lies It has always been the case that Python’s multi-threaded performance has never lived up to expectations because of GIL. So since version 3.4, Python has introduced the asyncio package to execute IO-bound tasks through concurrency concurrently. After several iterati...

Asyncio, Async & Await in Python Explained Simply

Asynchronous programming in a nutshell A programming paradigm that allows for non-blocking operations. In simpler words, instead of waiting for a response from a request, the program continues doing other stuff while waiting. Which enables our code to be more efficient. Asyncio in a nutshel...