Asyncio, Async & Await in Python Explained Simply

<h1>Asynchronous programming in a nutshell</h1> <p>A programming paradigm that allows for non-blocking operations.</p> <p>In simpler words, instead of waiting for a response from a request, the program continues doing other stuff while waiting. Which enables our code to be more efficient.</p> <h1>Asyncio in a nutshell</h1> <p><code>asyncio</code>&nbsp;is a built-in Python module that allows us to write asynchronous Python code. Since it is built-in, we do not have to install it using pip. We can simply import it and it will work</p> <pre> import asyncio</pre> <h1>Introducing Coroutines</h1> <p>Coroutines are functions. Functions that can be paused and resumed while other tasks are being executed. Which enables us program to concurrently execute multiple tasks at one go.</p> <p><code>asyncio</code>&nbsp;is built on top of the event loop, which is the main mechanism that is used to manage our coroutines.</p> <h1>Creating a Coroutine</h1> <p>Remember, a coroutine is a function. We create a coroutine using the&nbsp;<code>async def</code>&nbsp;keywords. A simple example:</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>