Tag: Aspiring

12 Essential Tools for Aspiring Artists

Artistic expression is a powerful and rewarding endeavor, whether you’re an aspiring painter, illustrator, sculptor, or any other type of artist. To bring your creative visions to life and hone your craft, you’ll need the right tools. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to ...

You Think You Need These 5 Things To Make Money Online, but You Don’t

When I talk to someone aspiring to make a living online, they tell me about the investment it takes so they’re waiting to accumulate money to invest create a website, brand, etc And they’re shocked when I tell them that none of this matters! I shoot my YouTube videos with...

Chakras & You

When an aspiring pre-med student goes to medical school, she studies eleven bodily systems. That number is important, especially if you know anything about mystical numerolody. Yes, yes, eleven is an angel number, but twelve is a mystical number. No matter what the med school curriculum says, the...

Trusting the young aspiring politicians

Campaigning and elections don’t really take a hiatus. It’s been an extremely busy time at the forefront of primary elections in the US, local elections in small towns across the globe, prepping for the upcoming European elections, and just general solid constituency work. Every electi...

The Aspiring Statistican’s Introduction to Random Variables

In this article, we’ll take a contemplative walk across the land of chance. We’ll learn about random walks, about discrete and continuous random variables, and about their probability distributions. We’ll understand why it’s meaningless to assign a pr...

15 Important Probability Concepts to Review Before Data Science Interview [Part 2]

Aspiring data scientists entering the realm of interviews often find themselves navigating a landscape heavily influenced by probability theory. Probability is a fundamental branch of mathematics that forms the backbone of statistical reasoning and data analysis. Proficiency in probability concep...

Unveiling the Art of Sewing Pattern Making for Aspiring Fashion Designers

Welcome to the vibrant world of fashion design! If you’ve ever marveled at a beautifully tailored garment and thought, “I wish I could create something like that,” you’re in the right place. Today, we’re diving into the art of sewing pattern making, a skill that can tur...