The Aspiring Statistican’s Introduction to Random Variables

<p>In this article, we&rsquo;ll take a contemplative walk across the land of chance. We&rsquo;ll learn about&nbsp;<strong>random walks</strong>, about&nbsp;<strong>discrete</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>continuous random variables</strong>, and about their&nbsp;<strong>probability distributions</strong>. We&rsquo;ll understand why it&rsquo;s meaningless to assign a probability to a continuous random variable&rsquo;s value. And in doing so, we&rsquo;ll unearth the meaning of&nbsp;<strong>probability density</strong>. We&rsquo;ll learn how&nbsp;<strong>random processes</strong>&nbsp;are formed, and their connection to&nbsp;<strong>time series models</strong>. We&rsquo;ll end our itinerant wanderings with a short discussion on how random variables form the substrate of all regression models.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>