Implementing Dapr State Management in ASP.NET Core Web APIs

In distributed architectures, we’ll usually have a number of independent stateless services that serve a purpose (set around a domain, such as ordering items, storing items in a catalog, handling authentication etc.) While services should strive to be stateless, there will be some services ...

Real-Time Data Synchronization in ASP.NET Core Using the Outbox Pattern

Real-time data synchronization has become a critical requirement for modern web applications. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore real-time data synchronization using the Outbox Pattern in ASP.NET Core. From understanding the fundamentals to implementing practical example...

Why NestJS is the Perfect Framework for ASP.NET Teams Migrating to Node.js (Or Vice-Versa)

There are a plethora of ways you can start your web development journey. The modern web has a lot of frameworks, and it’s becoming more of a hurdle for newbies to pick which one is the best for them. Even though a web framework is made for the web itself, there are different reasons you should...

In Memory Caching in .NET

In the ever-evolving world of web development, one thing’s for sure: speed matters. And one nifty trick we’ve got up our sleeves to turbocharge our ASP.NET Core apps is caching. In this article, we’re going to take a laid-back stroll through the fascinating world of caching, whi...