Why NestJS is the Perfect Framework for ASP.NET Teams Migrating to Node.js (Or Vice-Versa)

<p>There are a plethora of ways you can start your web development journey. The modern web has a lot of frameworks, and it&rsquo;s becoming more of a hurdle for newbies to pick which one is the best for them. Even though a web framework is made for the web itself, there are different reasons you should use them.</p> <p>The type of website you&rsquo;re going to build, how performant you need your site to be, the available developer pool, and the cloud provider you use will all affect the decisions you&rsquo;re going to make. As a result, there is a lot to consider when choosing a framework.</p> <h1>What are Nest.js and ASP.NET?</h1> <p>Starting with Nest.js.</p> <h2>Nest.js</h2> <p>Nest.js is a Node.js web framework fully implemented using the TypeScript programming language. Compared to other web frameworks in Node.js, Nest.js emphasizes a more organized project structure of your code. Most experienced developers will recognize how Nest.js structures to code to another framework, Angular.</p> <p><a href="https://javascript.plainenglish.io/why-nestjs-is-the-perfect-framework-for-asp-net-teams-migrating-to-node-js-or-vice-versa-e0e94dd4692a">Visit Now</a></p>