Tag: Asking

Unlocking Your Future: The Power of Asking

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you required something that someone else could provide, but you didn’t receive it simply because you didn’t ask? The answer is likely ‘yes’ for most of us. At some point or another, we may have hesitated to expres...

Asking Questions With The Zapatistas

Theodore Karyotis, Ioanna-Maria Maravelidi, and Yavor Tarinski. Asking Questions with the Zapatistas: Reflections from Greece on Our Civilizational Impasse. Athens, Greece: Transnational Institute for Social Ecology (TRISE), 2022. Mexican culture is distinguished by an annual holiday: &...

Stop Asking Me When I’m Having Kids

Not even if, but when. As the constant pressure to procreate rears its aggravating head, everywhere I look, society seems to always insist on reminding me of my place. It’s a woman's expectation, our very purpose for existing. We are just cows to breed; our opinions, feel...