Unlocking Your Future: The Power of Asking

<p>Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you required something that someone else could provide, but you didn&rsquo;t receive it simply because you didn&rsquo;t ask? The&nbsp;<a href="https://johnrmiles.com/six-ways-successful-people-ask-for-advice/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">answer</a>&nbsp;is likely &lsquo;yes&rsquo; for most of us.</p> <p>At some point or another, we may have hesitated to express our desires or needs and, as a result, missed out on obtaining them. In the words of Oprah Winfrey, &ldquo;<em>You get in life what you dare to ask for,</em>&rdquo; which implies that if you don&rsquo;t ask, you simply don&rsquo;t receive. Whether it&rsquo;s asking a question, asking for help, or for an opportunity, we need to develop the skill of asking, for therein lies the keys to some of the breakthroughs we hope for.</p> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;When it comes to asking for things that you actually need, the first thing is to just ask. People are much more likely to say yes than you think.&rdquo; &mdash; Professor Vanessa Bohns, Cornell University.</p> </blockquote> <p>In this article, I will enlighten you on how to unlock the power of asking so you can get more out of life. I will explore the various reasons why we fail to ask for the things we need, highlight the importance of asking, and finally, show you practical ways of effectively asking for what you want so that you can get your desired results.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/unlocking-your-future-the-power-of-asking-5ce5a73c0266">Read More</a></p>