Tag: arriving

Day 7 and 8: Actually arriving in Thailand — and thoughts on things

Thank goodness there are always people in a group who are willing to take on the temporary duty of a Social Committee. Lautaro Spotorno did it for us at the end of Week 1 and came up with a great program for the one long weekend we have here (Chulalongkorn Day). On Friday evening, i...

Day 106: Arriving in Istanbul

The first one is Istanbul airport. Since I was traveling to Africa, and most of the cheapest plane tickets were making a transfer there, I got to know it pretty well. I would be the first one rushing to the smoking area, knowing where the only internet café at the time was, going around like ...

Week One: Arriving in Japan

I actually had an advantage over my other colleagues who were enrolled in the program, because I grew up speaking Japanese, and have visited the country on multiple occasions. I’m also half-Japanese if that matters. But I feel like this multi-cultural background that I have ended up becoming o...

Already Strained Cities are Struggling to Support Arriving Migrants

Many Central American migrants are fleeing violence and poverty in their home countries. In Honduras, the homicide rate is one of the highest in the world (41.2 per 100,000 in 20201). And in El Salvador, nearly a quarter of the population lives in poverty. It is not just violence and ...