Tag: appreciation

How leaders decompress through acknowledgement and appreciation.

Scuba divers learn not to ascend too fast without properly decompressing or they will experience a condition known as the bends. As divers go further down, the pressure on their lungs increases. They decompress by coming up to the surface slowly so their body can adjust. Otherwise, the bends can cau...

Art, Space, and the Flight of Imagination: Exploring the Relationship between Philosophy, Birds, and Appreciation for Soaring

Transcending Boundaries: Art, Philosophy, and the Space In Between In the realm of art, it is often argued that art lacks intrinsic taste. Instead, it is deeply intertwined with our personal experiences, histories, and a tendency that affirms our daily lives while seeking harmonious evolution. La...


Exhibition of non-Western objects as art in Western museums is problematic, because it objectifies, instrumentalizes and appropriates non-Western objects. Purposes and the ways in which non-Western objects have been displayed change over time. In the pre-modern period, non-Western objects were colle...

Laughing Through Setbacks: The Jewish Art of Failure Appreciation

In a few days, we will celebrate Purim. Is it even allowed to be silly, to be loud, to behave exuberantly in these times? Yes, I think that’s a good idea. It is a way to review the past several times a year and to take the failures in our private and business environment with humor. Perhaps it...

2000’s NBA Appreciation

With the state of NBA discourse the way that it is, it has got me thinking a lot of newer generations might be forgetting smaller-known role players. This has motivated me to go through my favorite 2000’s role players. This list has been carefully thought out and making it only 20 players left...