Tag: Applications

Building Real-Time Applications with Socket.IO in Kotlin

In the realm of modern web development, user expectations have evolved beyond the static page paradigm. Users now demand dynamic, real-time interactions that offer a seamless and engaging experience. Achieving this level of interactivity requires technologies that can establish and maintain persiste...

Exploring the Power of Laravel Building Modern Web Applications Made Easy

Are you a developer looking for a versatile and robust framework to streamline your web application development process? Look no further than Laravel!  In this post, we’ll dive into the world of Laravel, exploring its features, benefits, and why it has become a go-to choice for building m...

Security Considerations in Entity Framework Applications

Developing secure applications is paramount in today’s digital landscape. Security breaches can lead to data leaks, unauthorized access, and significant reputational damage. When working with Entity Framework, a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for .NET, it’s crucial to...

Combining Hilt dependency injection with Workers for harmonious Android development

Dependency Injection (DI) is widely used in modern Android development. It simplifies the process of creating and provisioning objects with their dependencies and reduces the likelihood of bugs resulting from misconfigured components. Hilt, a DI library built on top of Dagger, has made things even s...

Leveraging Large Language Models in your Software Applications

How can you leverage the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) within your software applications? You cannot simply create a thin application layer above an LLM API. Instead you need to design and build a number of components to ‘tame’ the underlying models and also to differen...

The Importance of Security in Web Applications: Implementing a Rate Limiter

In today’s interconnected world, security has become a cornerstone of any successful web application. Whether you’re building a social media platform, an e-commerce website, or a productivity tool, security concerns cannot be an afterthought. One critical aspect of security that is often...

2 Applications That Made Me a Better Thinker & Writer

There is so much noise in the world, how will you know what your voice says? Or do you simply accept anything anyone suggests — believing it came from inside you? If someone with authority and good communication skills throws facts and data and draws a storyline that connects with yo...

Unreal Engine for Non-Gaming Applications: Creating Amazing 3D Experiences

Unreal Engine is famous for creating awesome video games, but did you know it’s not just for gaming? In this article, we’ll explore how Unreal Engine can be used for all sorts of cool non-gaming stuff that you might find exciting. Unreal Engine Beyond Games While games are awesome,...

Building a Docker Development Environment for PHP Web Applications

Docker has revolutionized the way we develop, package, and deploy applications. It provides an easy way to create isolated, consistent, and scalable development environments. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through the process of building a highly complex Docker development environment...

Container Orchestration with Docker Swarm — Scaling Distributed Applications

Containers are a popular way of packaging and deploying applications in a consistent and portable manner. However, as the number and complexity of applications grow, managing and scaling them becomes a challenge. This is where container orchestration tools come in handy. Container orchestration tool...

Declarative UI Programming in Rust for Native Applications

I have spent the last couple of weeks learning Rust. I was very fascinated by the potential of Rust for building high-performance applications, at the same time as it has high-level abstractions. Since I’m coming from the web and React world, I set out to explore the possibilities of Rust in t...

iOS — How to write Unit test, UI test for SwiftUI applications

In application development process, testing is a crucial aspect of the development process that ensures the quality, reliability, and correctness of an applications. The benefits of testing include preventing bugs, reducing development costs, improving performance before the app is released to the p...

An Unsent Personal Statement for PhD Applications

At seven, I was bullied for being effeminate and gay. A cacophony; every word, whisper, and weakening knock on the closet door would sound like three. Every word, whisper and weakening knock would sound like three. Word, whisper, knock, sound like three. Two years later, I attempted to absol...

Exploring the Earth: An Insight into Geodesic Calculations and Their Multifaceted Applications

At its core, a geodesic is the shortest path between two points on a curved surface, such as the Earth’s surface. The concept of geodesics extends beyond simple straight lines on a plane, adapting to the complexities of spherical and ellipsoidal geometries. This adaptation is crucial for accur...

Modern Applications of Bourdieu: an Analysis of Black Cultural Capital

Contemporary society benefits from a wealth of knowledge from past thinkers. While this may push forward understanding and innovation in many ways, it also has the potential to exclude new strands of thought and historically marginalized groups. However, established ideologies can also be building g...