Tag: Antiracist

On the Importance of White Antiracist History… And the Dangers of Its Erasure: An Interview with Tim Wise

Tim Wise: Well, in the U.S. we’ve done a horrible job of teaching history in general. Obviously, for years we’ve left out the contributions and the struggles led by people of color, except for very cursory mentions. But in addition to that, we’ve also left out this large &m...

White Antiracist History; White Antiracist Mobilization: The Vision Statement for the White Antiracist Ancestry Project

This project is grounded in the longstanding call from the Black Freedom Struggle — historically and in the present — for White people to mobilize other White people for racial justice. This project takes seriously that we cannot end systemic racial inequity unless we bring mas...

Antiracist Pasts and Futures: An Interview with Jonathan Hsy

I have been a grateful reader of Dr. Jonathan Hsy’s groundbreaking contributions to the fields of Medieval Studies, Disability Studies, and Queer Theory since first encountering his 2013 Trading Tongues: Merchants, Multilingualism and Medieval Literature. This earlier work remained very m...

‘The Future of Grading is Antiracist’

So claims Benjamin Johnson, who currently serves as one of the five vice principals at my high school. A former college Division II fullback who looks as if he could literally carry the weight of the world on his broad shoulders, at fifty years old Johnson still cuts a striking figure. He and I were...