White Antiracist History; White Antiracist Mobilization: The Vision Statement for the White Antiracist Ancestry Project

<p>This project is grounded in the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.aaihs.org/black-lives-matter-black-power-and-the-role-of-white-allies/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">longstanding call</a>&nbsp;from the Black Freedom Struggle &mdash; historically and in the present &mdash; for White people to mobilize other White people for racial justice. This project takes seriously that we cannot end systemic racial inequity unless we bring masses of White people into an active concern for racial justice. It recognizes that if those concerned with racial justice don&rsquo;t mobilize White people, opponents of racial justice will. Furthermore: mobilizing White people is essential for changing voting behavior in the country, in ways that are essential to&nbsp;<em>all&nbsp;</em>the causes we hold dear.</p> <p>The mobilization of White people for racial justice is also the&nbsp;<em>foundation</em>&nbsp;for one of the most important priorities of White antiracists: building stronger support for Black and Brown-led racial justice efforts. It is only when we mobilize White people that we bring their skills, networks, access to power structures, financial resources, and time and energy into the service of Black and Brown-led efforts.</p> <p><a href="https://burnett-lynn.medium.com/white-antiracist-history-white-antiracist-mobilization-the-vision-statement-for-the-white-1a6ff4f86d43"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>