Tag: Another

Another Peek Into My Home Library

Hello, fellow bibliophiles! If you are here and have stumbled onto my lil photo essay without having seen either Part I or II, bienvenue! And if you did read those and are back for more, I love you and hope you’ll enjoy this final chapter (or is it?!) of my epi...

Taking Your Reading to Another Level

Iwas midway writing this piece during a chillout session when I read  Philip Ogley ’s essay ‘Who Reads a Novel in a Single Sitting?’ The questions he asked which included — Are you a plodder or a speed reader? — reminded me of a few incidents where ...

Learning Another Language When You’re Anglophone

I’m always learning different languages. A few years ago, when I left the military, I decided to try my hand at French. It was an easy decision for me. French, after all, a global language, spoken on practically every continent. I felt it would be just as practical a language to learn as well ...

Another Reason to Hate Serial Killers

Human beings have a sick fascination with crime. The more grisly and horrible the crime, the more we are transfixed by it. Contrary to popular opinion, I’m a human being too, not an AI blog writing bot, so that makes me also guilty as charged for having contributed to this proliferation of the...

What I learned From Accidentally Climbing Another Mountain

The Cucamonga Wilderness is a National Forest in San Bernardino County, California, that I have been frequenting since the beginning of the pandemic. I have hiked many of the peaks in the surrounding area on my own, and I have recently been tackling the few I haven’t summited. I had it in m...

When Words Come From The Heart Of Anyone — They Find A Place In The Heart Of Another:

The human heart is the seat of all human emotions. A heart that is Full of evil emotions and thoughts is but a favourite place for Satan. Those hearts that are disbelieving, doubtful and mischief-mongering are, according to the Quran, hearts that have been sealed. Allah says in His book: `th...

It’s Another Monday and Our Governor Just Won’t Shut Up About Trans Kids

For years and years, when I awoke in the morning, Morning Joe went on my small bedroom TV. I kept abreast of the nation’s news while I dressed for the day. NPR’s Morning Edition threw in international news and market watch in the car on the way to take the kids to school and myself to...

Brother From Another Mother

Identical people can be entirely unrelated Call it vain, but we give a great deal of attention and care to the way that we look. The way individuals look is an integral aspect of their identity and tells us a great many things about them. Our appearance, our physical traits, are markers of race, ...

Not another statistic

I wasn’t sure I would ever be ready to tell my story. It was even hard for me to believe it was my story. It’s something you rip from a headline — it actually did become a headline, sort of. An overlooked headline in a deluge of similar tragedies strewn throughout the ...