Tag: Angel

A Magical Guide to Angel Numbers

A little bird told me you’ve been seeing some repeating numbers or coming across mirror hours. 11:11 12:21 Nah, I’m just kidding. Nobody told me, but I felt called to do this easy guide to Angel Numbers since I’ve been seeing a lot over the summer! I must be on th...

Sewer Angel

Parking was a mess but I made it. I am writing this alone, out here on the sand. I lay next to two empty bottles, so forgive me if my themes are scattered. Once I’ve finished putting a drunken pen to paper, this message in a bottle will reach a brave soul overseas. Read me, if you dare. By the...

Meet the Newest 20 Members of 4.0’s 2023 Angel Syndicate

The majority of philanthropic capital — $890B — is tied up in Wall Street. Less than $6B is deployed in K-12 education every year by foundations. We want to change that. In 2020, inspired by the potential of shifting power and pooling funds to garner influence and address racial inequ...

133 Angel Number: Explore Its Meaning And Spiritual Significance

Can’t help but notice the 133 angel number following you around? Maybe it caught your eye, unexpectedly? This could be a sign! Listen to your intuition. Angels like to communicate through symbols to help guide you towards fulfilling your soul’s life path. Keep reading to find the a...

Angel Cards vs. Tarot Cards

Believe it or not, Angel and Tarot cards have differences and similarities. Even though both are made use of for recommendation, Angel cards strictly depend on the spirit guides or angelic entities themselves, whilst the Tarot cards generally tend to depend upon the eider’s sixth sense or intu...

Guardian Angel — Shared Autonomy Safety System for Drivers with Compromised Cognitive Capabilities

As we journey through the data highways of the 21st century, it’s impossible to ignore the demographic shift that’s shaping our roadways. By 2030, the global population of individuals aged 65+ is projected to hit 1.4 billion, and with it comes an inevitable surge in cognitive impair...

When Your Doctor Becomes an Angel of Death

Think about any great strides we’ve made on our way to a civilized society — from ending the practice of burning witches at the stake, legalizing abortion, giving women the right to work and vote, and even institutionalizing democracy. Today, we consider these normal or even required in ...